11 research outputs found

    Cryogenic silicon surface ion trap

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    Trapped ions are pre-eminent candidates for building quantum information processors and quantum simulators. They have been used to demonstrate quantum gates and algorithms, quantum error correction, and basic quantum simulations. However, to realise the full potential of such systems and make scalable trapped-ion quantum computing a reality, there exist a number of practical problems which must be solved. These include tackling the observed high ion-heating rates and creating scalable trap structures which can be simply and reliably produced. Here, we report on cryogenically operated silicon ion traps which can be rapidly and easily fabricated using standard semiconductor technologies. Single 40^{40}Ca+^+ ions have been trapped and used to characterize the trap operation. Long ion lifetimes were observed with the traps exhibiting heating rates as low as nˉ˙=\dot{\bar{n}}= 0.33 phonons/s at an ion-electrode distance of 230 μ\mum. These results open many new avenues to arrays of micro-fabricated ion traps.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    2D arrays of ion traps for large scale integration of quantum information processors

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    Quantenrechnen und Quantensimulationen sind eine aufkommende, bahnbrechende Technologie. In den 1980-er Jahren von Visionären vorgeschlagen, sind einfache Quantencomputer in den letzten 30 Jahren Realität geworden. Kleine Systeme, die aus ungefähr zehn gespeicherten Ionen besteht, wobei jedes Ion ein Qubit kodiert, halten den Rekord bezüglich höchste Güte für Quantenrechnen und Quantensimulationen. Derzeit wird untersucht, ob man solche Quantensysteme erfolgreich vergrößern kann. Gelänge es, diese auf größere Quantensysteme und komplexeres Rechnen hochzuskalieren, wäre dies der Schlüssel für neue Perspektiven in den Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften, Suchalgorithmen und der Kryptographie. Mit dem Ziel der Realisierung von skalierbaren Ionenfallen wurden zweidimensionale Gitter von Ionenfallen entwickelt, simuliert und getestet. Die hier entworfenen Ionenfallen sind elektronisch aufrufbar, das heißt, dass man gezielt steuern kann, welches Ion im Gitter ansprechbar sein soll oder welche Ionen im Gitter eine Wechselwirkung haben sollen. Als Methode, um die Wechselwirkung zwischen benachbarten Ionen zu steuern, wurde eine justierbare Elektrode zwischen gespeicherte Ionen gesetzt. Im Experiment konnte deren Funktion erfolgreich demonstriert werden. Die Theorie über den Ablauf, das Versuchsdesign und die Herstellung der Ionenfalle ist ebenso beschrieben.Quantum computation and simulation is an emerging disruptive technology. Only first suggested by visionaries in the 1980s, in the last 30 years, small quantum computers have become a reality. Small systems of about ten trapped atomic ions, each mapped to a single qubit, have provided the highest fidelity quantum computations and simulations to date. If such systems were to bescaled-up, this would already give their human users immense advantages in the fields of natural simulations, search and cryptography. In order to scale-upthe use of these systems, several two dimensional (2D) arrays of planar-electrode ion traps were designed, simulated, built and tested herein. The 2D arrays presented here have electronic addressability built into them. By addressable, it is meant that the control of which ion in the trap array participates in any given operation is explicit. A method to address interactions between nearest neighbors in the 2D array using an adjustable radio-frequency voltage is demonstrated by loading calcium ions into the traps and manipulating them. The theory of operation, the design methodology and the method of fabrication of the ion trap arrays is also given.by Muir KumphZsfassung in dt. SpracheInnsbruck, Univ., Diss., 2015OeBB(VLID)37115

    Maneuvering of Robopike

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (p. 75-76).A robotic mechanism is described, called Robopike. The robot has fork length equal to 82cm, and contains 5 motors, a computer and a wireless modem for communication during testing. Details of the construction and testing methods are provided. The testing covered only a small part of the extensive parametric range, and resulted in speeds up to 0.11 body lengths per second and turns of 350 in two seconds. The kinematics of the robot are quantified and analyzed. A non-dimensional number, the Maneuvering Strouhal Number (Stm) is defined based on observations from live fish and previous theoretical developments. Recommendations for further improvements in the maneuvering performance of flexible hull vehicles are derived based on the Maneuvering Strouhal Number (Stm).by John Muir Kumph.S.M

    The design of a free swimming robot pike

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    Thesis (B.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 1996.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 132).by John Muir Kumph.B.S